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The Hidden Secret of Fruit Tin for Health Benefits

The Hidden Secret of Fruit Tin for Health Benefits

Tin fruit or also known as figs (Ficus carica) is a fruit that is quite unique. This fruit resembles a green or purple teardrop, and contains a pink flesh with hundreds of tiny seeds that make it crunchy.

Behind the sweet taste and unique appearance and texture, there are many benefits of figs that we can get. Various nutritional content in it makes tin fruit very good for consumption to maintain a healthy body.

The health benefits of tin fruit need not be doubted. Its sweet taste coupled with its abundant nutritional content make tin fruit suitable for inclusion in your healthy diet menu choices. This fruit can be enjoyed directly, dried first, or extracted.

Various Benefits of Tin Fruit
The sweet taste of figs comes from the natural sugar content which levels will increase when the fruit is dried. Even so, figs are still low in calories. One fresh tin (± 40 grams) contains less than 50 calories.

In addition, this fruit also contains fiber, vitamin B6, copper, and antioxidants. Thanks to these nutritional content, tin fruit provides various benefits for the body. The following are the benefits of figs that are a pity to miss:

1. Improve digestive health
Tin fruit has long been proven to be used to treat digestive problems, such as constipation. The benefits of this one fruit are obtained from the fiber content in it which functions as a prebiotic.

This fiber will support the growth of good bacteria in the digestive tract and improve the health of the digestive system.

2. Overcoming the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a chronic digestive system disorder. The symptoms of IBS can come and go and are very disturbing for the sufferer. Symptoms can also vary and change, ranging from constipation, diarrhea, bloating, to stomach cramps.

The benefits of figs in overcoming IBS symptoms have been proven in a number of studies. IBS sufferers who routinely consume tin fruit 2 times a day feel that the symptoms that usually occur in them are greatly reduced.

3. Prevent chronic disease
Even though they contain high sugar, tin fruit offers many natural antioxidants, such as phenolic acids and flavonoids. This antioxidant content is mostly found in the skin of figs, especially dark purple ones.

Antioxidants are believed to have great benefits in preventing various chronic diseases, including diabetes, cataracts, heart disease. However, further research is needed to find a link between the use of figs and the prevention of these diseases.

4. Prevent cancer
Apart from preventing chronic disease, the antioxidants in figs can also counteract the negative effects of excessive free radicals in the body. One of them is the development of cancer.

A study also shows that tin fruit extract has anticancer activity that can work on breast cancer cells. However, it still needs further research and clinical trials before this potential can actually be developed into a drug.

5. Improve skin health
Antioxidants in tin fruit extract are considered good for maintaining healthy skin cells, reducing collagen damage, and improving wrinkles on the skin. However, this research is still limited to animals and more research is needed to prove the effect of figs on skin health.

Those are the benefits of tin fruit that we can get. Thanks to its sweet taste, figs are usually used as a healthy substitute for natural sugars. In addition, fresh or dried figs can also be used as a variety of interesting dishes, such as smoothies, juices, or as a healthy dessert.

However, be careful. Although very rare, figs can also cause allergy symptoms. If you have an allergy to jackfruit, you may also experience the same allergic reaction to figs.

If portions are controlled, eating figs is a great way to add fiber and nutrients to your diet. If you are still in doubt, you can consult your doctor so you can get the maximum benefits of figs.